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Posting photos!
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rang: dyna Z **
rang: dyna Z **

Inscrit le: 22 Fév 2013
Messages: 294
Localisation: England

MessagePosté le: Dim Fév 25, 2018 11:04    Sujet du message: Posting photos! Répondre en citant

Maybe someone could explain in words of not more than one syllable how to successfully post photos. For my recent posts I have just used the link to FLIKR but they are not visible.
Like most people I want to see the photos clearly on the "preview".

For one of my other car passions, Alfa, there is a similar forum and on there it is possible to insert photos directly from any PC without using a public domain.
Judging by the requests I see for help on this issue I am not alone.
John Fletcher in sunny Yorkshire
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rang: dyna Z **
rang: dyna Z **

Inscrit le: 29 Jan 2012
Messages: 162
Localisation: Lyon

MessagePosté le: Dim Fév 25, 2018 11:35    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I'll try to share with you the way I use :

After I select the pic I want to include, I choose the share photo icon.
Select the second Icon from the left

4 options are possible : Share, Embed, Email and BBcode.

I choose the BBcode one, and manage the size of the picture.

If you copy past all the code selected by default, here is an exemple of the result (I replaced the code with Bla bla bla to show you the code) :

[img]https://farm5.BLA BLA BLA BLA07171_2b846dcfb4_z.jpg[/img]Epoq'auto_2017 by Raphael, on Flickr

If you just want the picture and no more information, you can only keep the code from [img] blabablablabla ..... to the next img with a / : [img/]

On my computer, it works.

Hope it helps

(Sorry, it is explained by a French guy using more than one syllable words Embarassed Embarassed )
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rang : dyna X *
rang : dyna X *

Inscrit le: 09 Déc 2014
Messages: 46
Localisation: Bruxelles(Woluwe-Saint-Pierre)

MessagePosté le: Dim Fév 25, 2018 12:01    Sujet du message: posting photos Répondre en citant

I notice that your other car passion is alfa romeo. I share the same passion as both marks share the same kind of philosophy (light and brillant mecanic although alfa is much more reliable): I own a 24 CT but also a spider giulia 101 , alfetta berlina and gtv.

I have the same problem as you to post pictures on the Panhard forum: impossible. This must be the french way to make a simple action, very complicated!

Michel (Brussels)
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Inscrit le: 27 Fév 2007
Messages: 1277
Localisation: Drôme

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 26, 2018 10:36    Sujet du message: Re: posting photos Répondre en citant

sipave a écrit :

I have the same problem as you to post pictures on the Panhard forum: impossible. This must be the french way to make a simple action, very complicated!

Michel (Brussels)

The reason why it is not possible to insert images directly in the Panhard forum is that we do not have enough storage space to keep these images. (remember that this is a voluntary forum hosted on a private account).
So you'll have to :
1 - upload your image on a free 'image hosting' site(*). This site will then give you a URL (forum link) to this freshly uploaded image. Example of an URL : [IMG ]http://.../myimage.jpg[/IMG] (the actual URL may be slightly different)
2 - copy this URL and insert it in the text of your post, like that (in bold type):
...text of my post...
...text of my post...
3 - use the button 'Prévisualisation' button to verify that your image is correctly displayed in your message..

have fun inserting images Embarassed !

(*): to find free images hostings site, use a google search... here is one example
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rang: dyna Z **
rang: dyna Z **

Inscrit le: 22 Fév 2013
Messages: 294
Localisation: England

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 26, 2018 12:42    Sujet du message: posting photos Répondre en citant

Hello Rafd,
Many thanks for your guidance. So here is my first attempt:-
John Fletcher in sunny Yorkshire
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rang: dyna Z **
rang: dyna Z **

Inscrit le: 22 Fév 2013
Messages: 294
Localisation: England

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 26, 2018 12:45    Sujet du message: Posting photos Répondre en citant

Failed so what have I done wrong?
John Fletcher in sunny Yorkshire
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rang: dyna Z **
rang: dyna Z **

Inscrit le: 22 Fév 2013
Messages: 294
Localisation: England

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 26, 2018 13:09    Sujet du message: Posting photos Répondre en citant

Hi Rafd,
I've now tried another one of the Flikr buttons (Share) and a box appeared with this huge code:-
panhard 657 by john fletcher, on Flickr

John Fletcher in sunny Yorkshire
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rang: dyna Z **
rang: dyna Z **

Inscrit le: 22 Fév 2013
Messages: 294
Localisation: England

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 26, 2018 13:36    Sujet du message: Posting photos Répondre en citant

Hi Rafd,
Actually it was the bbcode which I selected. It has not appeared in my response - just the photo which is marvellous!

Hello Michel,
My Alfa is a Giulia Sprint from 1963 so it has the 1600 engine and 5 speed box like your Spider. I've only just finished the restoration so I will now attempt to post a photo for you:-

panhard 498 by john fletcher, on Flickr
John Fletcher in sunny Yorkshire
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rang: dyna Z **
rang: dyna Z **

Inscrit le: 29 Jan 2012
Messages: 162
Localisation: Lyon

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 26, 2018 13:49    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Danjamds (John ?)

You're really welcome, I spent a lot of time trying inserting photos on many forums, glad it helped you.
By the way, your Alfa is very nice.
My (wife's) Alfa is really younger, she bought a Brera few months ago.
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rang : dyna X *
rang : dyna X *

Inscrit le: 09 Déc 2014
Messages: 46
Localisation: Bruxelles(Woluwe-Saint-Pierre)

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 26, 2018 18:13    Sujet du message: posting photos Répondre en citant

Hello John,

Very nice Sprint. As I said, I have a spider Giulia, from 1964 (disks), with the original rare Pinifarina hardtop, 1600 cc. The car is in top condition and with my wife, we use it on long journeys on the continent; never failed. I improve it by adding an alternator, 2 double carburetors and the long rear axle ratio of the veloce for cruising on motorways. The softtop doesn't protect very much when it is raining heavily.
I have my 24 CT for 3 years. Very nice and comfortable car, no rust, low mileage, but I still had a few problems that I never met with any alfa: distributor jumping out 3 times, broken gearbox( fortunately I had a good one in reserve from a 24BT), exhaust to be replaced completely, from the engine to the rear end, etc...
Sorry, I don't want to try again to post pictures; too complicated but I can send you pictures directly on your mail.
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rang: dyna Z **
rang: dyna Z **

Inscrit le: 22 Fév 2013
Messages: 294
Localisation: England

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 26, 2018 21:59    Sujet du message: posting photos Répondre en citant

My other cars:-
lumixpics19-5-20093072 by john fletcher, on Flickr

and my favourite:-
hols 2012 080 by john fletcher, on Flickr

hols 2012 071 by john fletcher, on Flickr
John Fletcher in sunny Yorkshire
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rang: dyna Z **
rang: dyna Z **

Inscrit le: 22 Fév 2013
Messages: 294
Localisation: England

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 26, 2018 22:07    Sujet du message: posting photos Répondre en citant

OOPs! I nearly forgot this one:-
image7 by john fletcher, on Flickr

I think I am now ok at posting photos thanks to Raphael.
John Fletcher in sunny Yorkshire
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rang : dyna X *
rang : dyna X *

Inscrit le: 09 Déc 2014
Messages: 46
Localisation: Bruxelles(Woluwe-Saint-Pierre)

MessagePosté le: Mar Fév 27, 2018 10:22    Sujet du message: posting photos Répondre en citant

I am using dropbox to share my pictures but not sure it will work on the Panhard forum;
Here are pictures of my 24 CT and my spider giulia 101:
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rang: dyna Z **
rang: dyna Z **

Inscrit le: 29 Jan 2012
Messages: 162
Localisation: Lyon

MessagePosté le: Mar Fév 27, 2018 11:07    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I'm happy that it allow you sharing these amazing cars. Please, try again, for our eyes only Laughing
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rang: dyna Z **
rang: dyna Z **

Inscrit le: 22 Fév 2013
Messages: 294
Localisation: England

MessagePosté le: Mar Fév 27, 2018 12:02    Sujet du message: posting photos Répondre en citant

Hello Michel,
I had no problem opening your Dropbox photo of the 24. What a terrific colour! Looks to be in excellent condition. Maybe you can do the same with your Alfa. You can always try the simple method demonstrated by Raphael. The thing to remember is not to use any of those lttle boxes on the Panhard header. On your Dropbox I'm sure you will find a buttton for "download" or "share" just like Flikr which gives a box with all that string of code highlighted so you just click and copy and then paste it directly on your reply.
John Fletcher in sunny Yorkshire
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