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warm welcome!

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rang: dyna Z **

Inscrit le: 09 Juil 2007
Messages: 313
Localisation: pays bas

MessagePosté le: Mar Jan 16, 2018 23:17    Sujet du message: warm welcome! Répondre en citant

a warm welcome to all those Panhard enthusiasts all over the world. every now and then struggling with french words and verbs... however now we have an english spoken corner on this forum: actually the best informed and most vivid place for Panhard lovers to chat about technical issues, meetings and small talk.
on facebook there're some spots you cannot miss too: for your daily dose of images, videobits and did-you-know-facts that make the history of our beloved french make so intriguingly interesting.
so come on lovers of intricate elegant design, lovers of neat mechanics, lovers of gasoline and engines that hardly use that...

lets hear from you!
DB HBR5 1188, PL17 tigre 1959, 2x 17 Break 1964, Dyna Junior cabriolet 1954, Dyna D65 camionette bachée,
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rang: junior
rang: junior

Inscrit le: 10 Jan 2018
Messages: 5
Localisation: Bure, 2915 Switzerland

MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 20, 2018 12:47    Sujet du message: Distributor on a CD Répondre en citant

Lets see how this new corner is going to work :🤔
I have a question....on the bench the engine was running nicely, now after all the struggle to fit it into the engine bay....that darn thing is giving me lots of headache. Big question that linkage between distributor and choke lever does it have to be connected? And if so how and where can one find some details of the setup.....?
...when pouring some fuel into the carb.... she runs and backfires for a bit...making me nervous...!
When I got my project, a CD No:146, the engine/gearbox was out, but I did get with the purchase a PL17; too, minus engine/gearbox. But got total of 8 various units to choose from. So imagine what do do and as I do not live close to other Panhardians, thats mighty difficult to decide and so I just try things.....!
Any ideas or help will be appreciated very much
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rang: dyna Z **

Inscrit le: 09 Juil 2007
Messages: 313
Localisation: pays bas

MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 20, 2018 20:06    Sujet du message: Re: Distributor on a CD Répondre en citant

JurgT a écrit :
Lets see how this new corner is going to work :🤔

Big question that linkage between distributor and choke lever does it have to be connected? And if so how and where can one find some details of the setup.....?
...when pouring some fuel into the carb.... she runs and backfires for a bit...making me nervous...!
When I got my project, a CD No:146, the engine/gearbox was out, but I did get with the purchase a PL17; too, minus engine/gearbox. But got total of 8 various units to choose from. So imagine what do do and as I do not live close to other Panhardians, thats mighty difficult to decide and so I just try things.....!
Any ideas or help will be appreciated very much

Forget that linkage, only meant to help the engine start at first turn. letting the choke free makes it helpful to find out if your car with warm engine and 4500 revs is running smooth with the fuel you use...
backfire? check ignition with stroboscope 33 degrees at 3500 revs.
DB HBR5 1188, PL17 tigre 1959, 2x 17 Break 1964, Dyna Junior cabriolet 1954, Dyna D65 camionette bachée,
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rang: junior
rang: junior

Inscrit le: 10 Jan 2018
Messages: 5
Localisation: Bure, 2915 Switzerland

MessagePosté le: Mar Jan 23, 2018 09:37    Sujet du message: backfiring Répondre en citant

Thanks qwaszx......
I will follow up your advise. aldough I guess I should wait for new trials until my refurbished 38 NDIX arrives......from CH!
On the one fitted, the jets are a mix up and I cant find enough info to sort it out. Especially the chock seems to work strange.
So in the meantime I will work on other stuff on this project.
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rang: dyna Z **

Inscrit le: 30 Sep 2008
Messages: 358
Localisation: Italie

MessagePosté le: Mar Jan 23, 2018 12:08    Sujet du message: hello Jurg! Répondre en citant

wellcome with your beautifull CD from south africa!!!

DYNA X86 1951 - DYNA JUNIOR ROADSTER X87 1952 - PL17 L1 A 1959 - PL17 L1 A2 1960 - PL17 L6 A6 1962 - Panhard CD 1963 - PL17 L6 AR6 1963 - 24 CT N1 1966
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rang: junior
rang: junior

Inscrit le: 10 Jan 2018
Messages: 5
Localisation: Bure, 2915 Switzerland

MessagePosté le: Sam Fév 03, 2018 07:25    Sujet du message: english spoken...... Répondre en citant

salut les copains......
I am still struggling with the french language, so I am writing in this column ...and one day, I might be able to read/write proper french.
Until then I am using Safari on my computer, unfortunately I cant seem to log in with Google +?!?!? (that is so easy and translates the language immediately!
Is there anybody who knows how to overcome that problem?
Greetings to Caudio too! My CD is soon on the road, just waiting for a new carburettor from Switzerland.... then I hope the engine will be happy.
How's your CD coming along? more can I load a picture onto this site?

a route a l'heure
Jürg (....George?)
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rang: dyna Z **

Inscrit le: 09 Juil 2007
Messages: 313
Localisation: pays bas

MessagePosté le: Sam Fév 03, 2018 21:55    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

in google chrome just follow this link
which will bring you here.

on top of the page you see the blue fineprint 'connexion' thats where you log in....
DB HBR5 1188, PL17 tigre 1959, 2x 17 Break 1964, Dyna Junior cabriolet 1954, Dyna D65 camionette bachée,
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rang: dyna Z **

Inscrit le: 05 Fév 2013
Messages: 491
Localisation: Chorley, Lancashire, GB

MessagePosté le: Dim Fév 11, 2018 00:04    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Greetings JurgT,
I disconnected the silly linkage, and lock the distributor up. If you have a good battery, and a good starter, all will be OK.
The old battery was around 35-38Ah, but a modern battery the same size as the original is 85-90Ah... and the engine will crank at 320 rpm on that one Smile

PS you can always cut and paste French text into Google translate worst case, but it's not 100%, however you will get the idea.

other options..with an iPad

How to translate web pages in Safari for iPhone and iPad with Bing Search

Launch Safari on your iPhone or iPad.
Pull up the web page you'd like to translate.
Tap on the Share button in the bottom navigation menu.
Tap on the Bing Translate button in the bottom row of icons.

On a macOS desktop check this out...
l'imagination est plus importante que la connaissance.
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